A. Untuk Pelaut Tempatan Termasuk Pendaftaran Kakitangan Kerajaan (For Local Seafarer Including Registration of Government Staff)
Seseorang yang hendak mendaftar perlulah (A person who want to register has to) :- | |
1. | Memiliki Sijil Perakuan Pemeriksaan Perubatan yang masih sah. (Hold a valid Medical Examination Certificate) |
2. | Mengemukakan salinan Kad Pengenalan (Enclose a copy of Identity Card) |
3. | Untuk kes kehilangan Kad Pelaut / Buku Perkhidmatan Pelaut (kecuali Pendaftaran Kakitangan Kerajaan), salinan laporan polis perlulah disertakan.(In case of lost of Seaman Card/Discharge Book (except Registration of Government Staff), a copy of the police report needs to be enclosed) |
4. | Untuk Pendaftaran Kakitangan Kerajaan, surat perakuan majikan perlulah disertakan. (For the registration of Government Staff, a letter of confirmation from the employer needs to be enclosed) |
B. Untuk Pelaut Asing (For Foreign Seafarer)
Seseorang yang hendak mendaftar perlulah memenuhi keperluan-keperluan berikut (A person who want to register has to fulfill the following conditions) :- | |
1. | Sedang berkhidmat di atas kapal Malaysia atau telah ditawarkan untuk berkhidmat di atas kapal Malaysia atau berhasrat untuk menduduki Peperiksaan Sijil Kecekapan Laut di Malaysia. Pelaut asing yang berhasrat untuk menduduki Peperiksaan Sijil Kecekapan Laut di Malaysia juga layak untuk memohon Buku Perkhidmatan Pelaut. (Serving on board Malaysian ship or has been offered to serve on board Malaysian ship or intending to sit a Certificate of Competency Examination’s in Malaysia. Foreign seafarer intending to sit a Certificate of Competency Examination’s in Malaysia are also eligile to apply for a Malaysian Discharge Book); |
2. | Mengemukakan salinan Pasport Antarabangsa (Enclose a copy International Passport) |
3. | Memiliki Sijil Perakuan Pemeriksaan Perubatan yang masih sah. (Holding a valid Medical Examination Certificate) |
4. | Untuk kes kehilangan Kad Pelaut, salinan laporan polis perlulah disertakan. (In case of lost of Seaman Card, a copy of the police report needs to be enclosed) |
Klik sini untuk pra-pendaftaran/Click here to enter pre-registration
SYARAT-SYARAT PERMOHONAN PERAKUAN KEKOMPETENAN Conditions for The Application of Certificate of Competency
A. | Perakuan Baru (New Certificate of Competency) / Perakuan Setara(Equivalent Certificate) (Except item 1& 3) |
1. | Membawa salinan surat pengesahan keputusan penuh peperiksaan. To show an approved full examination result letter. |
2. | Mengemukakan salinan sijil-sijil kursus modular yang lengkap. To submit a copy of all certificates of modular courses been attended. |
3. | Mengemukakan salinan buku rekod perkhidmatan laut. To submit a copy of sea service record book |
4. | Menyerahkan Perakuan Kekompetenan yang dipegang. To surrender the certificate of competency currently held. |
5. | Dua keping gambar warna saiz pasport. Two nos. colour photographs of passport size. |
B. Ganti Perakuan Rosak/Hilang.(Certificate replacement due to lost/damage) . :- | |
1. | Membawa salinan lapuran polis yang sah. To show copy of police report. |
2. | Mengemukakan salinan perakuan yang hilang/rosak (jika ada). To submit copy of certificate which is lost/damaged (if any) |
3. | Mengemukakan salinan buku rekod perkhidmatan laut. To submit a copy of sea service record book. |
4. | Mengemukakan salinan sijil-sijl kursus modular yang lengkap. To submit copy of all certificates of modular courses been attended. |
5. | Dua keping gambar warna saiz pasport. Two nos. colour photograph of passport size. |
C. Tukar Perakuan [Endors] (Conversion Of Endorsed Certificates) | |
1. | Menyerahkan surat kecekapan atau perakuan yang diendors. To surrender letter of proficiency or endorsed certificate. |
2. | Mengemukakan salinan sijil-sijil kursus modular. To submit copy of alll certificates of modular courses. |
3. | Mengemukakan surat pengesahan Ketua Jabatan berhubung tempoh perkhidmatan laut. To submit an approved letter from Head of Department relating to sea service. |
4. | Telah mendaftar sebagai pelaut. Registered as a seaman |
5. | Mengemukakan Sijil Pemeriksaan Perubatan yang sah. To submit an approved certificate of Medical Examination. |
6. | Dua keping gambar warna saiz pasport. Two nos. colour photographs of passport size. |
D. Perakuan Kelasi Pengawasan (Watchkeeping Rating Certificate) | |
1. | Mengemukakan salinan Buku Rekod Latihan Sebagai Kelasi Pengawasan (Jika ada) To submit Training Record Book As Watchkeeping Rating (If any) |
2. | Mengemukakan salinan Buku Rekod Perkhidmatan Laut. To submit copy of Sea Service Record Book. |
3. | Mengemukakan Dokumen sah sebagai kelasi awasan navigasi/kejuruteraan To submit an approved document as rating forming part of navigational/engineering watch. |
4. | Mengemukakan salinan sijil Kursus Latihan Keselamatan Asas. To submit a copy of certificate of Basic Safety Training Course. |
5. | Mengemukakan Sijil Pemeriksaan Perubatan yang sah. To submit an approved Certificate of Medical Examination.. |
6. | Dua keping gambar warna saiz pasport. Two nos. colour photograph of passport size. |
Klik sini untuk pra-pendaftaran COC/Click here to enter COC pre-registration
Applications and documents listed below shall be submitted to any of the Regional Marine Office in Malaysia. The Marine Department Headquarters will not be receiving any of the application direct from the applicants.
1. | Application Forms Required: JL/HEPP/B/03 (COR application form) and JL/HEPP/B/01 Pin. 1/99 (Seaman registration) |
2. | Photographs Two passport size photos of facial front view of applicant, taken within a year preceeding application, with applicant's name printed on the reverse side. Photos should portray a good likeness of the applicant. |
3. | Identity Document Certified ( authorized person) copies of valid passport.(all required pages) |
4. | Proof of Sea Service As per Seaman Record Book/ Discharge Book. Copies must be certified ( authorized person) |
4. | Proof of C.O.C A copy of applicant's C.O.C. including STCW endorsement.( certified by authorized person) |
4. | Supporting Documents All certificates e.g. modular certificate must be attached with the application form. Copies must be certified ( authorized person). |
Renewal Applicant - In addition to the requirements of a new application, a copy of previous C.O.R must be included.
Authorized Persons | |
1. | Marine Department, Malaysia. |
2. | Malaysia Embassy |
3. | C.O.C issuing authority |
4. | Senior Officers of the related Shipping Company, which should include:- name, rank and company stamp. |
Klik sini untuk pra-pendaftaran COR/Click here to enter COR pre-registration
Am (General) | |
1. | Calon mestilah seorang pelaut yang berdaftar sebelum membuat permohonan. (Candidate must a registered seaman before applying for the examination) |
2. | Borang hendaklah diisi dengan menggunakan huruf besar. (The form is to be completed in capital letters) |
3. | Borang ditulis dengan menggunakan pen. (Use pen to complete the form) |
4. | Perakuan dan dokumen asal mesti ditunjukkan ketika membuat permohonan. (Original certificates and other documents must be shown when making application) |
5. | Satu salinan fotostat bagi setiap perakuan dan dokumen hendaklah disertakan. (A photostat copy for each certificates and documents must be attached) |
Klik sini untuk pra-pendaftaran peperiksaan/Click here to enter examination pre-registration